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Day 16: New Housemates, more problems? – BBNaija

09 August 2021
The old 'Shine Ya Eye' Housemates seem to be unbothered about their new colleagues – and it's got us curious.
Big Brother Naija S6

The New ‘Shine Ya Eye’ Housemates Michael, Kayvee, Queen and JMK seem to be settling in just fine in Biggie’s House. So far no accidents or drama with the old Housemates have happened. Don’t get us wrong, we love the whole "love and light" vibe, but we can’t help but wonder if it’s all pretence – both from the old Housemates and the new Housemates.

The old Housemates seem to be all fine and we are not sure if it’s genuine, or if it's just an act. Only Arin was caught recently saying she believes the new Housemates are fake. Outside Arin’s suspicions, no other Housemate has been spotted speaking about the new Housemates, save for Nini, Pere, Maria, Liquorose and Saga, who all think the newbies are "cool people".

It is rare for Biggie to bring new Housemates into the House in just the second week. So we thought the Old Housemates would be a little bothered seeing as many of them were avid viewers of the show in its past seasons. So could it be that they really are not bothered, or are they going to be like snakes who will devour their competition silently, and without warning in the future. 

Time will tell.

Oh! Also noticed how sizzling hot the new Housemates are? As of late we have seen little head turns and blushes from old Housemates towards the new ones. This brings a lot of questions to the fore. Some of which are;

  • Will old situationships come to an end? (Pere and Maria on the beat here😏)
  • Will new ships be formed? (side-eyeing Boma and Queen)

Whatever the case may be, we’ve got our eyes on the Housemates and will be the first to pour you all the juicy tea, as soon as it is brewed.

Kayvee gets the BBNaija manual

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