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Day 18: Saskay and Yousef sort things out – BBNaija

11 August 2021
Saskay clears Yousef off his relationship dreams with her and reveals plans to mentally mess with the men who have affection for her.
Big Brother Naija S6

Ships have been a major theme this Season and we are sure we are speaking for a lot of people when we say we are tired of the Housemates keeping us in suspense.

Will they, or will they not?

That has really been the most we have gotten from supposed ships in the House and we are really tired because we love our jobs as ship sailors.

Anyway, we thought we were going to have one solid ship eventually, but it seems like that hope has been dashed as well, or has it? Yousef, our main actor in this story, had spoken to Sammie in the past about his affection for Saskay. He finally gained the courage to speak to her today and the conversation did not go the way our homeboy probably wanted it to go.

The two of them had a conversation by the Jacuzzi where Yousef made it clear to Saskay that he felt jealous as a friend that Saskay shares a bed with Jaypaul – a statement that visibly made Saskay a little pissed, seeing as she literally doesn’t have a bed of her own.

After that conversation, Saskay later had a sit-down with Yousef where she told him point-blank that she had been avoiding him because she felt they did not have a vibe and she does not want to keep leading him on. As for her sharing a bed with Jaypaul, Saskay said it was because she simply had no choice.

Yousef said it was okay and didn’t necessarily want a relationship, but was worried about their friendship.

Saskay on a mission

Later on in the day, Saskay was seen telling Sammie she was sick of her admirers going to tell others about their affection for her, instead of coming to her directly to tell her how they feel. She was speaking in reference to Yousef who had told Sammie he liked Saskay – and Jaypaul who has also been heard to tell other Housemates that he likes Saskay. She went on to say she hoped she wins the HoH games next week so she can pick Cross as her Deputy and confuse the other guys out of their minds.

This self-proclaimed baby girl is definitely not smiling about this matter.

Speaking of Cross, the two were also seen today having conversations in a pretty cool position. Don’t get us wrong: everything could be innocent, but Cross has mentioned in one of his Diary Sessions that he has a thing for Saskay.

What a rollercoaster this is going to be for her this week, because she is also up for possible Eviction. If she makes it? We would love to see the dynamic in the house between Saskay and her three suitors.

ArinEmmanuelNiniPrincessSaskay, and Tega  have been Nominated for Eviction this Sunday You can VOTE to Save your favourite Housemate via the Africa Magic website HERE and the Africa Magic mobile site  by selecting contestants of your choice and entering your number of votes and click VOTE. Voting via these platforms is limited to 100 votes per user. You can also download the MyGOtv and MyDStv Apps for additional  Votes. Votes  are free and Votes are allocated based on your subscription packages. The voting window closes by 9pm on Thursday, August 12, 2021.