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Day 59: Nini's Secret Task – BBNaija

21 September 2021
Biggie is about to rock the #BBNaija House with a disappearing act

Oh boy, we know Biggie always has something up his sleeve! This week, he has decided to shake things up a little for the SaNi Ship and the rest of the #BBNaija House.

Similar to the House prank Big Brother played last week on the geng, today one of the Housemates is going to become the main character of the Shine Ya Eye theme of the Season. Saga had to carry out his Task of ignoring her and he dismally failed!

During Nini’s Diary Session, Biggie requested Nini to be instrumental in a prank that will possibly be one of the biggest House tremors of the Season.

Big Brother task Nini to take on the prank of disappearing from the house for 24 hours starting from about midnight. Nini will be guided to the secret door by the Games lounge, and she is going to wait there until the House is asleep.

Nini will be led to a room where she’s expected to spend the next 24 hours. While in the white room, she will have access to the happenings in the house via a TV monitor.

The prank: 

The rest of the house will wake up in the morning to find Nini missing with no idea where she has gone. Of course, the Housemates will call on Big Brother and they will receive no answer. When the Nini returns after 24 hours. She must act as though she has been in the House all the while.

Phew, what a Task, geng!  We can imagine all that will go on in the Housemates’ minds tomorrow. We can see this prank going in different ways. Biggie knows ways to keep the House hot-o!

We have plenty questions though. How will she manage to leave the tight and loving grip of her beloved bestie Saga? Do you think she will last the rest of the day without spilling the beans to Saga? Will Nini surprise us all and actually pull it off?

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Nini's Secret Task

Do you think Nini will last the rest of the day without spilling the beans?

No ways. She is going to crack.12%
Of course! Her head's in the game.88%

The other day, Saga was telling her that she is a talented actress (her newfound talent), so we are excited to see if she will stay in character from the moment the 24 hours of her disappearing act begins.

AngelNiniPereQueen , Saga, and Whitemoney have been Nominated for Eviction this Sunday You can  VOTE  to Save your favourite Housemate via the Africa Magic website   HERE  and the  Africa Magic mobile site  by selecting contestants of your choice and entering your number of votes and click  VOTE. Voting via these platforms is limited to 100 votes per user. You can also download the  MyGOtv  and  MyDStv  Apps for additional  Votes.  Votes  are free and  Votes  are allocated based on your subscription packages. The voting window closes by 9pm on Thursday, September 23, 2021.