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Dilemma celebrates 100 episodes with a BANG!

21 February 2022
Here’s a recap of Dilemma's 100th episode, plus some fan reactions.
100 Dilemma

It’s the 100th episode of AM Dilemma and we couldn’t let such a milestone go by without recapping it and seeing it through the eyes of devoted fans. From a triumphant battle to lovers reuniting, and a ghost from the past reveal, this episode had it all!

Let's get right to it.

The Young Rebel and the Warlord

What seemed like a betrayal soon turned into a carefully thought-out strategy to take down the enemy. Tahir switching camps and aligning with Dimka took everyone by surprise, but we eventually found out it was a scheme he had hatched with Kaineto to gain access to the enemy’s (Dimka’s) camp. Dimka for a moment thought he finally had one of the Waziri boys in his corner, but he soon realised it was all a plot to nail him for attempting to murder Kaineto. Shocked at first in the moment Tahir attacked him, he immediately regained composure and almost killed the young Waziri if it wasn't for Numbers, who came in right in the nick of time to save the young lad. Goodbye Dimka!

Although he will be missed on the show, you guys were quite relieved at the turn of events.

Rekindling old flames

Despite holding back for a while and resisting the urge, Kaineto finally caved in and agreed to meet Kanan. What better occasion to meet up than her birthday and at the garden where both of them had once celebrated a special occasion? It didn’t take too long for both of them to get lost in the moment and rekindle old flames.

Who do we owe this reunion to? None other than Newton, who served as the go-between.

The Jury is still out on whether he did this out of the goodness of his heart or if he just wanted to get Kanan out of the way to fulfil his own personal agenda of getting back with Aaliyah, whom he once had a romantic history with, but is now married to Kanan.

It was rather suspicious that immediately after Kanan went to meet with Kaineto in the garden, Newton went off to meet a surprised Aaliyah in the hotel she was staying at. A few of you were also suspicious of his motives.

Someone even called him a master strategist. Could he be🤔

While she put up a strong front when Newton grabbed her passionately, she soon succumbed to the burning desire to be with him.

Zayn is Samad

We really didn’t see this coming. We just assumed he was one rich playboy focused on business and giving Lady T rounds and rounds of pleasure while trying to get his true conquest, Kaineto. We didn’t for once think he was Samad, seeing as we already watched his car explode as he tried to leave the country way back in 1998. We should have suspected when he got visibly worked up as Kaineto ill-treated Tawa, his mum, in his presence. Maybe we just assumed any normal person would feel this way watching an old lady in a wheelchair being mistreated. His reveal took us by surprise and as it turns out, we weren’t the only ones caught unawares.

Now the question is, how did he escape the car bomb? There was a large scar on his back so we know for certain it must have been a narrow escape. The details however are what we hope will be revealed to us in coming episodes.

Watch the 100th episode

Overall, this was an absolutely wonderful 100th episode. Congratulations to everyone involved! Here’s a toast to 100 more episodes🥂.

Make sure you tune in to AM Dilemma every weeknight on Africa Magic Showcase at 20:00 WAT.