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Day 52: Acting as customer care agents

09 September 2020
In today’s Task, the Housemates took turns in serving as a Patricia customer service agent.
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This Task was very straightforward – each team simply had to play a role in manning the Patricia Experience Centre set up in the Arena and act as customer service agents or marketers of the Patricia product they were to represent. The opposing team members asked the presenting team questions about the products they were representing. This was fun to watch as each team intentionally came up with some tough questions for that threw the opposing teams off balance.

The response to each question given by the presenting team were judged by the following criteria: production knowledge, presentation, charisma, creativity, appearance of the customer care agent; articulate answers to the questions. Once in the Arena, the Head of House took charge and ensured the entire process was managed properly. The first team to man the experience center was Team Doing the Most and they were questioned by Team Here for You.

Once Team Doing the Most finished answering their questions, Team Here for You took their turn to answer their questions. Their questions were asked by Team Bitcoin Made Easy.

The next team to answer questions were Team Bitcoin Made Easy which was asked by Team Doing the Most.

The total number of questions to be asked by each team were not more than 10. This means, at the end of the Task there were not be more than 30 questions asked overall. Although, each team were asked to choose one representative or decide to work as a group when answering their questions, the teams all worked in unison and achieved great teamwork in this round.

Let’s see what you had to say about their customer service skills

Kiddwaya's dancing steps also featured in their presentation and some of you couldn't just ignore. Lol

Of course, the merch couldn't go unnoticed. Drip drip!

Team Here for You wins the first round

While all three teams put forward their best foot, only Team Here for You was able to tick all the required boxes. Congratulations Kiddwaya, Trikytee and Neo on a job well done. The team has won one thousand dollars worth of Bitcoins for winning the first round of today’s Task.

Watch the full Task here

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