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About The Voice Nigeria

The Voice is the ultimate talent contest. A show in which the absolute key factor is talent. Real talent. There's no room for fly by nights or wannabe stars. Only the very best of the best will do; the best voice combined with the best mentality, that's what the show is all about. The Voice Nigeria centres on the search for the nation's new big star. The search for that one person with that special something, a real first class act with the ability to stick around and deliver their very own unique sound.

Four famous national performing artists personally select their own candidates during the exciting auditions. Throughout these selections quality is the key word, because right from the get go the standard will be high. Extremely high. An extensive search will ensure that only the cream of the singing crop makes it through to the actual auditions.

The show kicks straight off with the spectacular auditions, in which no expense is spared. Forget the usual empty room that forms the backdrop for most selections, on this show the setting is an impressive huge theatre or studio with a big audience and live band!

The auditions start with a unique selection method: The Blind Auditions. As the name suggests, the candidates cannot be seen, they can only be heard. Our four top performing artists and coaches will therefore only be able to go on the candidates' voice quality and technique, without being distracted or influenced by their appearance. Because as the title says, we're looking for The Voice… not The Looks.

During these first auditions, the four coaches are seated on chairs that automatically turn away from the candidate before he or she enters the venue to sing. If the coaches are impressed with someone's voice, they can press their “I Want You” button during the audition. If they press the button, their chair automatically spins round to face the stage. And that is when the artists see the candidate for the very first time! What will they think of what they see...?

Naturally the coaches are allowed to give their uncensored opinion about the candidate's looks, style and performance, but once they've pressed that button, there's no way back!

In the end, all the final candidates will be coached by one of the top performing artists, who will closely collaborate with a team of professionals. Their years of experience in the business has made them aware of the fact that a career in music is built on more than talent alone. Hard work, discipline and the drive to constantly better yourself are just a few of the necessary elements to really make it to the top in the music industry.

After the Blind Auditions, the 'Battle Rounds' follow where each coach pairs two of his/her team members to perform together, then chooses one to advance to the Live Finale rounds.

And the performing artists don't just coach their talents; they sometimes actually get up on stage with them during the LIVE shows, to perform together!

It's a long road to the final, and therefore the singers are coached by the professional team every step of the way. And once they've made it to the final, we will at last find out which one of them possesses the ultimate combination of talent, vocal ability and character to really make it big.

Because the winner of The Voice Nigeria is guaranteed to take the national music industry by storm!