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Dancing with the spirits – Enakhe

10 August 2021
While the Osagie and Iwinosa clans face physical battles, the spiritual ones pile up.
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When Latifah disappeared without a trace, Enakhe and Onanefe were the only ones in the know about her affiliation with the supernatural world, that everyone else dubbed false.

Though Cali knew about his brother’s powers, he had no idea that more members of his family were tied to the parallel world. Now that Mr Emeka and Jacinta are playing tag team, Enakhe has been preoccupied with putting out fires and cutting Jacinta’s revenge cord short, all this while the Akugbes drag Latifah closer to the grave, and Ivie uses the carving to get her way.

Here’s how the spirits have been playing the drum while everyone danced, often unwillingly.

How it started

As per legend, Ejiro, Cali’s aunt and Onanefe’s mother was the ‘evil twin’ who harboured powers and used her own son as an instrument of her ills. Unknowingly, Onanefe carried out his mother’s will and bulldozed everything he came across. To add evil to the feasting table, Latifah inherited Ejiro’s powers and was forced into bondage by the Akugbes.

Worlds apart

After trying to avoid the ‘calling’, Latifah eventually went into forced initiation. Enakhe was aware of her mother’s whereabouts and knew that she needed to be broken out of bondage, so she went to the market and sought some guidance to help get her mom home. Unknowingly, she made contact with one of the Akugbes who were trying to keep Latifah locked away, in a bid to get her powers – and apparently, Latifah’s powers intensified after this.

With great power comes death

When Latifah returned to Benin, she realised that Enakhe had gotten the lot in quite a bit of trouble, and in addition to all of that, the Akugbes launched a direct attack on her. This, of course, forced Latifah’s motherly instincts to kick in and against the advice she received from Iye Akugbe, she used her powers to protect her daughter. Now, the rule at play here is, should Latifah tap into the spirit world and use her power in any way, illness will be her portion and her life will shorten. And that’s exactly what’s happening.

The Ivie issue

After Enakhe found out that Ivie plotted with her enemies, she threatened to kill her and banished her from Benin. While her cabbie drove Ivie to her final destination, she escaped and hid in a nearby bush where she found a supernatural carving the likes of Osaze often spoke about. This allowed her to manipulate and command anyone she touched, and that’s how her plotting spree started. Ivie compelled Onanefe to kill Enakhe, convinced Jacinta to believe her theory about Jonas’ death, and made the doctor forge a positive pregnancy result so her story could hold. Ivie is now under Jacinta’s protection and the carving will continue to be her greatest weapon of manipulation.

Watch Enakhe every weeknight at 20:30 on Africa Magic 151 Showcase to see how the spirits lengthen the chaotic dance party.