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The top 5 hilarious jokes of the season - Comedy Nites

23 June 2023
As yet another season draws to a close, here's a list of some top moments guaranteed to make you laugh.
A man with a microphone on stage

Season 5 of the stand-up comedy show; Comedy Nites was one for the books. We saw our stellar host, IK Osakioduwa, wow our studio audience with his dance moves and witty jokes. Additionally, episode after episode, we were introduced to super-talented comedians who told way too many jokes that left everyone laughing out loud. All sets had top-tier banter. However, we've compiled a few for you to enjoy: 

Brain Wizzy's joke on success 


Brain Wizzy defined success as "a combination of too many failures," he also described it as "a standing fan; It gets to people in turns. Our prayer be say make Nepa no take light when e reach our turn." 🤣 While hilarious, there are some words of wisdom in his words; don't you agree? 

The Nigerian church experience 

" If you never school reach Ph.D., you will never understand the preaching in Lagos Island churches. The pastors wan use grammar kill people." 😆 Have you ever attended a religious gathering where you couldn't comprehend the speaker's words? This joke by Jesta will hit home! He and Mop Comedian joke about their different experiences in Lagos, Akwa Ibom, and Calabar churches. 

IK on Generation Z 


Our host, IK Osakioduwa, should take on stand-up comedy full-time. His tales about his first cigarette encounter and his mother's reaction made us laugh. Still, the most iconic was when he spoke about the most talked about generation, Z. " Gen Z doesn't fear anybody," he said while describing an interaction between a Nigerian father and his daughter who responded to his instruction by saying, " Nah, fam; it's giving slavery. " 👀 Someone might need to check on that African parent; he probably couldn't believe his ears.

Love Languages by MC Pashun

If you're in a relationship or the talking stage in this century, you are no stranger to the five Love languages. Some people embrace it, while others, especially MC Pashun, is tired of it and has a word for Angela, who he claims has "a language she doesn't know how to speak."  

MC Ebuka's Instagram Chronicles 

Besides scrolling through their pictures on Instagram, a great way to get to know about a person is through their IG bio; MC Ebuka has some dating advice; according to him, "If you get an Instagram text from Sandra_xoxo and you go to the bio, and you see model, Sagittarius, a rare vibe. Brother, you are in trouble". 😂

What was your favourite joke of the season? Tell us using #AMComedyNites on all our social media platforms.