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Day 46: Food and cooking woes led to a meeting – BBNaija

07 September 2022
Housemates again tried to navigate their food war ending in an impromptu family meeting for the day chaired by the Head of House.
Hermes in the Kitchen

As he quietly sat at the Kitchen Table eating his macaroni, Groovy found himself in the middle of a quarrel over food, and his silence continued as Chomzy and Phyna engaged in a war of words with a touch of insults. The argument started with Bella's question about the exclusivity of some food. Macaroni was the real instigator, and when Bella asked if only Level 2 Housemates were eating it, Chichi quickly jumped in to confirm that it was not bought individually. This meant that it belonged to the collective, but cooked for Level 2 Housemates only. 

Groovy continued his silence and enjoyed the meal Phyna offered him. 

"This thing that you Level 2 people have started, I hope you can continue it even after Big Brother's House," said Chomzy. "We never needed Level 1," Phyna responded, stating that she did not understand what Chomzy was trying to say. Chomzy did not deny that this food war was personal, and she was willing to take it outside the House. Is the beef between Chomzy and Phyna kore than just about food? 

Hermes interjected when insults started flying in the House. Phyna explained that Level 2 Housemates kept meat for themselves and would like to eat it in peace. Chomzy reminded Phyna about a statement she made yesterday. According to Chomzy, Phyna said the food she cooked yesterday was just for Level 2 Housemates and if they share the food with Level1 Housemates, they will not eat with them again. 

Yesterday, Phyna made food for Level 2 Housemates only and ensured that she cooked five pieces of chicken only to ensure that nothing was leftover for Level 1 Housemates. 

There was another quarrel over Giddyfia's eggs yesterday when Adekunle told Housemates that Deji and Giddyfia's food was in Chichi's possession. Rachel called her greedy and a liar when she denied that she had the food. 

Watch Chichi and Rachel quarrel over eggs: 

HoH Hermes called a meeting to address the food situation and emphasised the importance of winning this Friday's Wager Task so that they don't need to fight over choooooow😅. The conversation led to possible solutions. 

The biggest challenge the Housemates face regarding food is giving one Housemate the responsibility to cook and clean up. Chichi the chef expressed her willingness to cook for the entire House, but on the condition that someone assists. 

The challenge now is that with collective cooking, one person cooks, and everyone makes an excuse as to why they can't assist in the Kitchen, and Hermes is of the idea that collective cooking would not work. 

On the agenda of the impromptu meeting was the cleanliness of the House, or the lack thereof. Hermes urged Housemates to choose to be more responsible because they are not children. Not picking up bottles, putting dirty dishes away, and washing them is very unnecessary, according to the Head of House Hermes. 

Dinner preparations have been much calmer today, and we can only hope the peace continues. 

Will things get better or worse after the meeting? 

Watch the recent food war: 

BellaBryann, ChomzyDoyinEloswag and Phyna have been Nominated and are up for possible Eviction. You have until Thursday 21:00 WAT/ 22:00 CAT to Vote for your favourite Level Up Housemate on Mobile, Web, and the MyDStv or MyGOtv apps. Watch the show live on the 24-hour channels 198 on DStv and 29 on GOtv. Fans across Africa and the UK can sign up on the streaming service Showmax. Make sure you don't miss anything from Biggie's world on our website and be part of the #BBNaija gist on Twitter, InstagramFacebook, and TikTok. Season 7 of Big Brother Naija is sponsored by headline sponsor Pocket app and associate sponsor Flutterwave.