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5 Audition tips for your Nigerian Idol debut

15 November 2021
Preparing to give Nigerian Idol a shot? Here are some handy tips to help you along.
AUDITION TIPS Nigerian Idols S7 2022  Billboard 1600 x 800

Months don pass and clock don ring o. It’s almost that time when hopefuls from across Nigeria prepare their voices for a ride never-to-be-forgotten.

Since its return, Nigerian Idols has reignited glowing splinters across the music competition industry and offers Naija’s future superstars a platform to showcase their talent, but not without due preparation, of course!

This past season has highlighted the importance of Audition preparedness, and because we like you like that, we put together a few tips to help you get ready for your big moment.

Read on, jare!

1. Choose the right song

E no be a matter of ‘most famous song’ o, it’s all about choosing a song you’re comfortable with, and one that’ll allow you to play around and show your vocal skills without folding. Like, are you comfortable singing the song? Do the notes cause you any breathing discomfort? Do you know the lyrics? So, it’d help to go through the song list and choose MORE THAN ONE to perfect. Got it? Good!

2. Exercise exercise exercise!

Now that you can spit the lyrics in your sleep, get down to business and align your vocals by doing some exercises. Think of this as a pre-Olympic ritual. There’s a stretch before the act, yes? Just a few minutes before you start recording, do some vocal warm-ups and you’ll be good to go.

3. Quality is everything

Great camera quality, amazing lighting, a fitting background and some kind of external noise cancellation. All these factors will play an important role in submitting a quality audition clip. Check these from your list and it may just be a ‘yes'!

4.  Be confident

No matter how aligned with your voice the chosen song is, the delivery won’t have as much impact if you’re not confident. In fact, eh, we heard through the grapevine that our judges can identify confidence in your singing. So do your mantras, meditate, or whatever rocks your ‘voice’. Just get your mind right and your confidence at a high, before stepping into the spotlight.

5. Just have fun with it

Your eagerness to board the Nigerian Idol success train tells us that you’re passionate about music and want to live your life rhythmically, yes? So, now that you’ve identified the strength in your voice, studied your songs and did a confidence mantra, you’re ready to take the spotlight and are going to have fun while at it, right?! Remember, sha, this is an experience no one will take away from you, so make sure you bring your unicorns and rainbows.

5. Judge yourself first!

After putting everything together, wear the critics’ cape and judge the entry for yourself. Ask yourself (or some friends/fam) if this’d blow your mind if you were a judge. If so, then you’re good to go.

Auditions for the seventh season of Nigerian Idol open Sunday, 14 November and close Sunday, 28 November 2021. Interested contestants should upload a 60 seconds video of them singing any song of their choice to www.africamagic.tv/nigerianidol Contestants must also be between 16-30 years of age.

Best of luck!