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Top moments from season 5 finale — BBNaija

28 September 2020
The Big Brother Lockdown House has been a journey, to say the least, and last night it culminated in one last showdown courtesy of Big Brother.
Laycon wins Big Brother

Oh what a night! What a sight to behold! It was the season 5 finale and yet again, Biggie and his crew did not disappoint. Right?

Let's start at the beginning, well, from after the Housemates were ready and looking glam in their final outfits.

Former Housemates slay us

Omo, if you have not seen all the Instagram images and stories by now, you must check it out, you can follow the link to the page and watch. The former Housemates came through, frying us all to perfection like plantain. The spirits were high throughout the pre-finale party where they danced with Ebuka and DJ Neptune to celebrate the night ahead. 

Biggie says his goodbyes

What a touching moment for the Top 5 Housemates when Biggie's voice came through the speakers to not only tell them how much he appreciated and valued them, but also to wish them well on their journeys going forward. A long moment, but definitely a tear-jerker that had us all glued to the screen. 

Not one, not two, not three but four performances

We were all wowed by the Fireboy showing up on our screens twice, belting out the lyrics we all know well and in fine form with his energetic backup dancers! From Vibration to Champion, he reminded us all what a legend in the making looks like and why we were all watching our screens with anticipation. Who can forget that in between the two performances, we heard banga to banga from Beamer to Woman with Rema. And for the cherry on top, your boys Davido and Mayorkun upped their surprise Game for one last Biggie showdown. 

Ebuka shows up and out!

Who else loved the outfit change last night? The final show outfits were as much as sight to marvel at as the host himself! Apart from looking gorgeous on our screens, the man was here for the business of making sure the Winner was announced. If you missed the order in which the Housemates left the House: Vee left first, followed by Neo, Nengi was the third leaving Dorathy and Laycon to grace the stage together. Dorathy was very graceful as the runner up, leaving Icons to celebrate Laycon as the ultimate Winner of Big Brother season 5, Lockdown edition.

What a great journey we have walked together, and though it is over, we know that the many are still waiting to see what their faves will do with the money and fame they acquired during their stay in the Hosue. For now, we switch off the lights.

Season 5 of Big Brother Naija was made possible by headline sponsor Betway, and gold sponsor Guinness. The Lockdown edition gave us plenty gbas gbos which you can still catch on the website and YouTube channel. There are also die hard fans to connect with on social media so hit like on Facebookand follow on Instagram and Twitter. Also make sure that you don’t miss out on other great content by signing up on DStv or GOtv Max or Jolli.