When it comes to dragging, you have to come correct! But what happens when you’re guilty of the exact thing you’re dragging someone else for? Pure comedy! That’s exactly what went down between Chief Donatus, Willie, and Ubong. Each one came for the other, claiming they were too dependent on the women in their lives—but here’s the gag: they were all guilty of it!
So, who’s the real champion of relying on a woman? Let’s break it down.
Chief Donatus: Hard times or sponsored living?
Now, Chief Donatus has been a self-made man for most of his life, but recently, the universe said, “Let’s humble you a bit.” His business got shut down, he got arrested, and money hasn’t been flowing like before. But where there’s love, there’s a way—his Ghanaian sweetheart has been stepping in, flying him out and sending him allowances like he’s on a payroll. So, is he dependent on a woman? Well… technically, yes. But let’s blame hard times, shall we?
Willie: The love life that runs on Mimi’s GPS
Willie might be doing okay as a manager, but when it comes to his love life? Disaster! If he’s not asking Mimi to match-make him, he’s taking notes on how to talk to women, how to treat them, and basically how not to mess things up. Even in his friendships with the guys, he still needs Mimi’s guidance. And let’s not forget—whenever he has hot tea to spill, guess who he runs to? Yep, Mimi! At this point, we should start calling her CEO of Willie’s Affairs.
Ubong: A professional collector
Unlike Chief Donatus and Willie, Ubong doesn’t even pretend to be independent—because he depends on everybody! No career, no money, no solid relationship, just vibes and financial aid. And while he mostly runs to Mimi for his “urgent 2K” requests, he doesn’t discriminate. If you have money, you’re fair game. Male, female, neighbor, stranger—if you can spare it, Ubong will collect it.
Watch the roast
So, who’s the real MVP of depending on women?
Honestly? They all are! But if we’re ranking, Ubong takes the crown, hands down. Chief Donatus is at least going through a rough patch, and Willie still earns his own money. Ubong, on the other hand? 100% sponsored lifestyle.
Still not convinced? Need more receipts? Catch My Flatmates, weeknights at 7 PM on Africa Magic Showcase, and see the drama unfold for yourself!