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Day 1: Nengi is the first Head of House

20 July 2020
In this Season’s first HoH Challenge, Nengi emerged as the first Lockdown Head of House.
nengi HoH

For a prize of gaining immunity from the week’s possible Eviction, an exclusive access to the Head of House Lounge for the week, and the liberty to pick one Housemate as Deputy with whom they will share the Head of House lounge, the Housemates had their game faces on.

Courtesy of our Headline Sponsor, Betway Nigeria.

Theme: Getting to know one another

In line with the theme of the week, the Housemates have been asked to spend their time asking their fellow housemates all the relevant questions. Like, “If money was not an issue, what would you buy?” “What is your favourite old school song?” e.t.c. These questions and more will reveal a lot about them.

On Thursday evening, there will be a house quiz based off their knowledge of their fellow Housemates.

The HOH Game and its rules

Throughout their stay in the House, this Head of House Game shall not change, so Biggie advised the Housemates to take a moment and walk around, examine the Game and all the items available without touching anything.

In the center of the Arena, was a mat with 30 boxes between the start point and the HOH point.

The aim of the game was for them to move on the steps and arrive at the HoH point within an allocated time frame. The number of steps taken was decided by a dice roll. So, of course, this was a game of luck.

The unlucky round

Starting with Trikytee and ending with Tolanibaj in a series of dice rolling and steps in the first round, only Nengi and Neo were close or should we say lucky enough to take part in a second round of HoH game. We had a tie!

Determined to bag the first Lockdown HoH win, the two Housemates took turns in playing the game with a countdown clock of one minute to guide them.

A Lucky HoH Win and a luckier Deputy!

Nengi emerged as the first Head of House in the Season after a clear win in the game of dice. After announcing her win, Biggie gave her the opportunity to select a Deputy HoH. Luck shone on Wathoni as she was chosen for this post.

“Nengi and Wathoni, you now have exclusive access to the HOH lounge,” Biggie said.

Do you think you can predict Nengi’s first role as this week’s HoH? Tell us on our social media pages using #BBNaija.

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