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Papa Wande's parade – Unbroken

31 July 2020
Papa Wande did such flawless shadow work, none of his enemies saw him dancing.
Papa Wande

It was clear from the onset that the Gyados and Jangfas had stepped on heavily corned feet in order to score themselves commercial favour with the alfas that ran the suburban streets, but none of the families could have imagined the resultant trauma… Not after Nanle and Tobore bowed down and Ofure left the playing field.

The image that had been lurking in the shadows and causing immeasurable havoc was unveiled as Papa Wande; A man so cunning, he used his own children as deeply cracked chess pieces to topple the weakened Gyados and all those within their radius. Odumide was tasked with infiltrating the crumbling Jangfa empire through a forged romantic relationship with its only listed heir, Jesse; and Shola was to play journalist while nabbing the sometimes ally sometimes not Nafike.

When Terfa was arrested, Tivdo cooked up a plan with Scabadah that was to result in the death of Shola (Remember her involvement with Tobore’s death?), but Wande’s mighty hand had already played his turn in such a way that Scabadah’s former allies would be in charge of the damsel’s safety… a missed target for the enraged and bereaved hitman.  

All plans were in perfect synch and carried with them a promise of total domination for Papa Wande. His children would deliver their prey and he’d have them skinned and hung just for show. However, their ‘make-believe’ involvement with their father’s enemies turned into real love and a sense of belonging; feelings they clearly lacked in the transactional relationship they had with their father. This then was the beginning of great Papa Wande’s demise.

Armed with rage sourced from hearing Nafike take his last while she begged her father to spare and draped in loss, Shola stepped up after the crowd that had just survived Papa Wande’s dynamite trap and promised to deliver her father… even if it were just head.  

Will Papa Wande escape the many immature claws itching for a catch or will he manage to slit through and go back into hiding? Tune into the final next week #AMUnbroken run and find out.  

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