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My Siblings And I


What My Siblings & I #Twitterfam are looking forward to

14 January 2021
A new season is upon us and we decided to comb the streets of Twitter for the best highlights of the previous season.
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Following the relationship between siblings, including the drama, antics and conflicts in the Aberuagba family, we decided to recap the best topics, moments and tweets that dominated Twitterverse last season. Who else agrees that every average Nigerian family relates to this comedy-drama?

Who else misses the theme song?

Get ready for more friendship goals delivered straight to your screens this season

Set awon ‘aww’ geng. Are you also on this table?

Hey fam, say no more! My Siblings and I is coming right back to your TV this month of January

Team James and Samson, where you at?

This show in many ways is told from the perspective of (almost) every Nigerian family and it explores many topics like sibling rivalry, the parent-child relationships, marriage and many more. How will it pan out for the Aberuagba family in season three, tune in to AM Showcase on Monday 18th of January at 18:30 WAT to find out.

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