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Aghan escapes the Oyomere prison – Riona

30 July 2021
Ofotokun sends his troops to look for Aghan.
Screenshot 2021 08 02 at 10

After finding out that the prophecy still stood despite all the efforts deposited into reclaiming the Oyomere throne from Migan’s ambitious hands, Ogiame saw it fit to imprison his own son, Aghan, and treat him like a common criminal. While all of this went on, Tsema and her friends devised a plan to break the prince out of captivity with the help of a few Oyomere warriors who fought silently against Ofotokun’s forceful reign. Here’s how it all happened:

Ease of entry into Oyomere

As soon as Tsema was able to disarm Towu, she joined Emeka and the two were allowed into Oyomere by one of the warriors who was in agreement with Ofotokun’s removal from the throne. As the two Ireale approached the cell that held Aghan and Ojomo’s wife, Ari, Ojomo’s daughter showed up, questioning the escape. After some convincing by Aghan, Ari agreed that her mother would be safer with the Ireale, than she would be in hiding.

Amori, an unfortunate casualty

When it was discovered that Aghan was destined to dethrone his father, all the other princes, including Amori, were poisoned against their own brother and told to take his life if he even attempted to escape captivity. So, when the small group made up of Tsema, Emeka, Ojomo’s wife and Aghan and Amori appeared and initiated a duel against his brother who had been handed a poisoned spear to defend himself. After a lengthy struggle, Amori was pierced with the tip of the spear.

The search party

Upon finding out that Aghan had escaped, Ogiame commanded that his troops be sent out to all the neighbouring homesteads and agreed to the killing of anyone suspected to have aided the escape. He even went as far as placing a knife on Ojomo’s daughter’s neck to force the truth out of his most trusted warrior; an act he would live to regret, especially now that Aghan was out of reach.

Watch Riona every weeknight at 20:00 on DStv CH 151 Showcase to find out how the new anti Ogiame troop plans on gaining access to the king for the fulfilment of the prophecy.