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Jolomi finds favour in Ogiame – Riona

30 April 2021
After being undermined by his own people, Jolomi is welcomed into the royal clan.
Screenshot 2021 04 30 at 22

Just a few moons ago, Jolomi was as good as the ash remains of burnt yam skin with no position or respect among his people. His standing before the gods was so broken, even his wife found solace in another’s arms. But now that his marriage to Abiyere has been blessed by the king, a lot will change. Here’s how.

Respect as per the ranks

After fighting tooth and nail for respect from his people, Jolomi was finally handed the coveted title of Omajaja. This was a difficult conquest given his lack of connections with royalty. Meanwhile, his serpent of a counterpart, Tsato, played ‘advisor’ to chief Gbone who in turn achieved royal respect. Now that Princess Abiyere has declared her wish to marry Jolomi, the bystanders have no choice but to refer to him as Prince...as ordained by Ogiame himself.

Land is wealth

During their courting phase, Princess Abiyere visited Jolomi in his holding cell (remember the absurd accusations that got him there?) and let him know he would indeed be her husband. In addition to the vote of confidence, she gifted him a large piece of land, probably bigger than obnoxious Tsato’s yam farm. We all know how valuable land is and how much respect its owner commands, so Jolomi’s new acquisition will without a doubt place him up top with Ogiame’s chiefs. Did we mention that Ogiame himself doubled the offer? Ehe!

He who finds a wife finds a good thing

It’s no secret that Tsato has been walking around boldly despite dishonouring Jolomi by tainting his sheets and lying with his wife. Everybody looked down on the poor Omajaja because of his wife’s lack of discretion, and we all know that a man who can’t bring satisfaction to his home is prone to mockery. But now that Jolomi has been embraced into Ogiame’s immediate family, and is to be husband to one of the king’s finest princesses, mockery will be a thing of the past.

There are obviously a dozen scandals just waiting to be thrown Jolomi’s way to prevent his absorption into the royal clan; one being that he fathered an illegitimate child. For now, bros is a prince and as his name suggests, the gods have ‘fixed’ him.

Watch #AMRiona every weeknight at 20:00 on AM Showcase to find out how his ambitions propel him further up the royal ladder.