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The Rishantes


Top six moments that shaped The Rishantes

21 February 2022
Life has been a rollercoaster ride for this family.
The Rishantes Finale

Building and sustaining a legacy isn't an easy feat and this is true of the Rishantes. We have journeyed with this family from the very first episode, as they navigated the hurdles of upholding their family legacy. The Rishantes gave us quite a compelling first season filled with drama, political battles, and the complexities of family dynamics.

Every moment resonated with us and with the Season Finale upon us, we recap some of the moments that set the tone for this Season.

The Rishantes Group is in trouble

Having accumulated over 2.5 billion in debt and a bleak financial outlook, The Rishantes Group wasn't doing too well. It didn’t even help that the loan the company got was because Matilda was a majority shareholder. This wasn’t good for her reputation.

Somma to the rescue

As The Rishantes Group faced crippling debt and was in need of a new loan to the tune of 6 million dollars, Adi put his pride aside and turned to his wife for help. Trying to figure out what decision to take, Somma confided in her mum and even though her mum was a bit hesitant, she urged Somma to help her husband. “If you can help them get the company out of this problem, it will cement your position in that house,” she implored.

Trouble at home

While Somma was trying to become one with the Rishantes, Adi had to contend with her slightly overbearing father. One particular incident stood out and it was the moment Somma got pregnant. One would think he’d get the usual congratulations and a few jokes about his ‘shooting skills’ or that awkward look dads give their sons-in-law when they finally have the proof that “this guy is really with my daughter”, but no, Adi got more. In fact, it was a warning of sorts. “I do not want a situation where Somma will be pregnant every other year and get distracted,” he said. He wanted his daughter focused and competing with her peers and not popping babies out every other year. Adi took this warning (carefully crafted as a piece of advice) well, but deep down, it upset him, and in the long run, contributed to their altercations.

The Political Dilemma

As the senate president, the screening of presidential nominees fell under Matilda’s jurisdiction. What should have been an easy task soon became a bone of contention when several powerful parties with vested interests wanted Matilda to do their bidding. In this case, the president wanted his nominee to get the nod while the political party wanted to go in a different direction, leaving Matilda in the middle and undecided about whose bidding to do.

 More woes for Matilda

Aside from the financial struggles of The Rishantes Group, Matilda also had some personal issues to deal with. From Serena accusing her of having a hand in her father’s murder to being accused by a journalist of having an intimate relationship with the party chairman, Matilda went through it all.

Halita's quest for freedom

Even after traveling and getting the prerequisite education to run the family business, Halita still had people looking over her shoulders – Adi in particular. She felt almost as if she wasn't fully trusted enough to run the business properly. To top it off, she was being stalked by a mysterious person and this had her on edge. She eventually found her strength and it was impressive watching her stand up to everyone.

There were many more moments that made The Rishantes a show we came to love, and as season one comes to an end, we can only hope for a quick return and more thrilling moments. 

Watch the finale here