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Tsato the menace – Riona

03 September 2021
Here are five reasons why Tsato is Oyomere’s chief menace.
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At first, he exuded authoritarian vibes and it seemed that his fellow Omajajas didn’t mind him stepping on their toes a little bit; healthy competition, you know? But things got a little too spicy when Tsato started meddling in other people’s affairs and having affairs with other men’s wives. This almost got him killed even (not close enough a call if you ask us! 😑).

Let’s look at five reasons why bros is a menace beyond reasonable doubt.

1. He abused Jolomi

If we had to have a session with Jolomi, who has become the gods’ chosen by the way and showed him tapes of how Tsato and his sidekicks abused him both physically and otherwise back in the day, he’d swear that wasn’t his life. That’s how much Tsato bullied a man as big as (if not bigger than) him. Fearing no one and nothing, Tsato bashed Jolomi with such hatred, no one dared come to his aid. Menace tendencies if you ask us!

2. He got intimate with Jolomi’s then-wife  

As if assaulting Jolomi at the centre of the kingdom’s market wasn’t enough, Tsato went right ahead and pursued Alero, his wife. Bros no do it anyhow o, he slowly but intentionally seduced Alero into believing that he was much more a man than Jolomi could ever be. Assin eh, he went into the man’s chambers and touched his wife. Fearing nothing and no one! You still dey doubt that he’s a total menace, abi?

3. He showed no respect for the Ireale

As much as we’d like to plaster all the blame on Tsato and accuse him of all the ill that befell Oyomere, we have to admit that the rules that govern the kingdom were put in place to undermine the Ireale and have them exist at the high borns’ subordinates. So, Tsato’s blatant disrespect towards the Ireale is a direct result of the way they all were raised. Now, being an Omajaja raised the dough a little too much and made mans feel like he was above their entire Ireale community put together. Still menace behaviour though!

4. He assaulted Nogho in her husband’s presence

Tsato had been suspecting that a coup against Ogiame’s reign was brewing and that Nogho, her Omajaja husband, Edomi and Arubi were all directly involved. So, on the day of his unsolicited visit, Tsato threw insults and undermined a fellow Omajaja’s authority in his own home. Now, because Nogho seems to harbour more bravery than her husband, she tried to defend their honour but accidentally injured her husband in the process, giving Tsato the upper hand he didn’t deserve. That’s when the mad man pinned Nogho to the ground and threatened the information out of her. There she revealed that there was indeed a coup and Edomi’s household was involved. Chai!

5. He tried to out Jolomi for loving an Ireale maiden

It’s either Tsato is obsessed with Jolomi, or he’s just a mad man that coincidentally always stumbles upon opportunities to make Jolomi’s life a lot less comfortable. Anyway, he heard through the grapevine that Jolomi was courting Ebitomi, an Ireale maiden who had been assigned duties at the palace. Now, it is widely known that Omajaja’s cannot have relationships with members of the lowborn communities lest they taint their superior bloodlines. So, Tsato armed himself with this juicy piece of information and threatened to tell the king. Thank the gods for Arenyeka’s coming to Jolomi’s defence and threatening the life out of Tsato.

Watch Riona every weeknight at 20:00 on DStv CH 151 AM Showcase to see if Tsato’s threats stick or get him into much more trouble than he’s already in.