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Biggie's Epic Freeze Moments

11 September 2019
Sitting, standing, crouching or lying, the Pepper Dem Gang have been found in different positions during a freeze moment and some were quite hilarious.

Housemates freeze! This order from Big Brother is one that is sure to bring out some heartfelt laughter from anybody that sees them in their positions. We take a look at the Pepper Dem Gang's epic freeze modes and trust us, you will enjoy every bit of this journey.

Unexpected Guests

You see your favourite celebrity and all you want to do is hug and ‘famz’ them but guess what? Bros Biggie has activated freeze mode. How painful! This was the situation with the Pepper Dem Housemates when Jidenna paid the House a visit. Gosh, you could see the Housemates struggling with Big Brother’s instruction. What kind of Pepper was this? From Cindy’s one million eye blinks to Ike clearly moving his head, it was a trying moment for them all. Here’s what Sherry and Sleek Jane thought.

Let’s move away from Jidenna’s visit. What about the time OPPO’s mascot Ollie came into the House and the Housemates were in the ‘be like that’ position? Not only was Ollie giving the Housemates hot dance moves, but the way it was executing the moves made it funny. Mike, however, got a tickle from Ollie and freeze or not, the man had to laugh.


Imagine holding a spoonful of a delicious meal and halfway to your mouth, the pause button is pressed. Well, that was what happened to Omashola. 

What about when Tacha was crouching during a freeze Task. Baby girl didn’t want to hear stories about her back giving out so she quickly sat her butt on the floor. A classic case of prevention is better than cure.

Did you guys catch that time when one of Biggie’s ninjas made away with Ike’s shades in a freeze mode? Ike, being the gangsta that he was, had a little struggle with the ninja which we found funny but he composed himself when he remembered that there were still in freeze mode.

The Cruise Master

Low key, Biggie is the ultimate cruise king when it comes to freezing. It doesn’t matter if the Housemates were in the middle of a Task if Big Brother wants a freeze, then freeze it is. Recall when Biggie froze and unfroze the Pepper Dem Gang back to back? The Housemates could not take it fam, once they heard Biggie’s voice, they chose a comfortable position, irrespective of what Biggie wanted to say. Do you blame them?

Freeze moments in the House are always fun, but one thing remains a mystery, those Housemates dropping albums in the restrooms, do they freeze too? We look to Kayode for answers 😉.

Source: Twitter - @0607Ddie, @tochimaryann_, @Sherry_2wt, @sleekjane02, @m_chisom9

Khafi, MikeOmashola, Seyi and Tacha are up for Eviction. Vote for your favourite Housemate here, via the MyDStv App, via the MyGOtv App or via SMS. Voting closes on Thursday 12 September at 21:00 WAT. Big Brother Naija is proudly sponsored by Bet9ja, and is available on all DStv packages, and on GOtv Max and GOtv PlusFor more information on Big Brother Pepper Dem follow us on YouTubeInstagramTwitter and Facebook.