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Day 19: Goodbye Sammie, hello Kayvee? – BBNaija

12 August 2021
The new Housemates are scattering ships – and it’s exhilarating to watch.
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Yesterday, Angel revealed she is currently giving Sammie the silent treatment after their verbal spat a couple of days ago, brought on by Kayvee kissing her as a dare. The kiss set Sammie off and the two argued, causing the couple to call off their ship. 

Kayvee is caught in the middle and feels horrible about everything that has transpired. “I am new here so I don’t know what the relationships are like. I don’t know what’s happening. I saw you and I liked you. I am the one who chose you – and it wasn’t the other way round, so it seems immature to me that Sammie is mad at you,” Kayvee said in a one on one with Angel in the bedroom. Angel revealed how even though Sammie had asked for forgiveness, she is done with their “friendship” because the disrespect was unwarranted and effectively sent her over the edge. “He was jealous so he gave me attitude the whole day. He called me a b***h and that hurt me, especially considering the fact that he knows I’ve been called names all my life. He says I jump from boy to boy. I guess he said it from a place of anger,” she told Kayvee. Angel then conceded she didn’t say nice things to Sammie either and called him an idiot. However, she insists she will not talk to him anymore. 

When Kayvee sought clarity about Angel and Sammie’s dalliance, Angel downplayed it and said they were “just friends” and were getting to know each other, but she has since realised they are not compatible because he is from the North and there are some things he may not understand about her, since she’s from the city. Kayvee seems to be obsessing about this situation because he has confessed he hasn’t slept properly in two days. However, Angel seems to be putting his mind at ease and is laying fertile ground for a possible relationship with him, now that Sammie may be out of the picture.

Sammie on the other hand, seems to be taking the new circumstances in his stride and told Kayvee “whatever happens, happens” and has no problems with what the future may look like. However, he seems keen to maintain his friendship with Angel, hence his apology.

Watch the conversation between Sammie and Angel here

ArinEmmanuelNiniPrincessSaskay, and Tega have been Nominated for Eviction this Sunday You can VOTE to Save your favourite Housemate via the Africa Magic website HERE and the Africa Magic mobile site by selecting contestants of your choice and entering your number of votes and click VOTE. Voting via these platforms is limited to 100 votes per user. You can also download the MyGOtv and MyDStv Apps for additional Votes. Votes are free and Votes are allocated based on your subscription packages. The voting window closes by 9pm on Thursday, August 12, 2021.