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Day 34: The women dish the dirt on the men – BBNaija

27 August 2021
Maria, Peace and Nini got really personal about the men in the House. Now we know how they really feel.
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Well, well, well – this is what happens when you give people something to drink and a door that can lock! Peace, Nini and Maria may have been chilling out in the Executive Lounge, but the talk soon got hot because they thought nobody was watching, but Big Brother is always watching!

It took about 0.1 seconds before the conversation turned to the men in the House and what each of them thought about them. “They are all disgusting,” was Peace’s nuanced response. “They are all good-looking but annoying.” She admitted to being attracted to Cross and Michael, “physically only.” Okay, we got that.

“They are dirty and annoying.” Alright, already! We said we got that!

Nini agreed that Cross is an absolute snack, but “when he opens his mouth, it just kills everything.” She also dragged Saga – of all people – through the mud: “He’s not manly enough.” Wow.

Nini reiterated she has a man outside the House and said she and Saga will never get together because he's childish and she's not into him at all. When Maria sought clarity about her feelings for Saga and asked if she only likes him as a friend, Nini responded with a firm "Yes!" Wonder what Saga would say hearing this premium gist. 😩

Maria thought she’d weigh in on the other object of Peace’s physical desires (emphasis on the “physical”): “Michael is soft. All the s*** he talks is absolute bulls***!” She also said she thought he was selfish after he took chocolates away from Jackie B after she thought she had bought them for her. “There is something about him I don’t like,” she went on to say. Then, probably because she doesn’t worry about appearing shallow, she said, “he’s short. His legs are short. He seems stunted, but he is not.” 

Maria also went on to say that she has a boyfriend outside the House, so she hops from bed to bed in the House so that she doesn’t give the wrong impression. Uhm… sure, maybe the guys in the House don’t get the wrong impression, but your boyfriend might? Just putting it out there! 👀😂

“There’s no one that can mentally date me outside this House,” she went on to say. “No one in here can. I feel sorry for them because they couldn’t keep up. They will enter depression.” 

The topic then switched to Angel, and the general consensus was that her treatment of Sammie was bad. “Angel is ugly inside and out,” said Maria. “It you have a game to play, play it,” said Peace, “but don’t play it at other people’s expense.” Ouch! 

They then referred to Angel moving in on Boma, but then giving up and trying her hand at Sammie, again, because “she knows she cannot play Boma”. They also spoke about Angel moving in on Michael despite knowing that Jackie B was into him, but Michael is staying away from her because – and these are their words, not ours – “she is repulsive”.

Talk about not mincing your words! 😩

We hope that Executive Lounge opens for other Housemates soon – because this tea is DELICIOUS! Premium gist. Keep it coming, ladies!