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Day 36: The Nominated Housemates' Diary Session – BBNaija

29 August 2021
Hours before the Live Eviction Show, the at-risk Housemates spoke to Big Brother for what would be – for some of them – the last time.
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As is always the case before every Live Eviction Show, the Nominated Housemates were called into the Diary Room for what might be their final session in front of Big Brother. With only hours to go before the Live Show began, the six Housemates in question would certainly have been feeling the jitters.

The first Housemate called into the Diary Room was Pere, who said that he had not yet achieved the goal he set for himself when he first entered the House – to make it to the top five. “If this is the end of the road for me, I hope that I’ve been able to inspire people with the way I’ve lived. I wasn’t a perfect person, but I did the best that I could.”

Sammie was the next Housemate in the hot seat, and he told Big Brother that “these few weeks have been interesting for me – life changing. The whole experience has been life-changing.”

It was Queen’s turn to speak to Big Brother next: “I’m scared, I’m happy, I’m trying to keep a positive feeling about this Eviction night. It’s all mixed feelings for me, right now.” When asked who she would miss if she were to go home, she said she would miss Whitemoney the most – which was hardly surprising, as she was resting her head on his chest when she was called into her Diary Session. “He is the only person who understands me,” she went on to say. “He is the only one who looks out for me.”

When asked who she would miss, Maria said that “Pere has become a really good friend of mine, even though he’s really annoying, so I’m going to miss him.” Alright, then. She said that she had hoped to win more tasks, but that she didn’t because the other Housemates “are very talented.”

“It’s been amazing being here,” said JMK. “Regardless of what happens, tonight, it’s been a win-win, for me.” When asked what she would miss if she were to go home tonight, she said, “I would miss how you say my name.” She then did a perfect impression of Biggie’s booming bass: “J… M… K…”

“It’s been amazing,” said Cross, “it’s been phenomenal. I’ll always remember this experience for the rest of my life. I don’t think I would trade it for anything.” He said he wanted to end amongst the top half of the Housemates – he hasn’t made it yet, and any hope for him achieving that goal depend on whether he stays in the House tonight.

Cross had a few special words for Saskay: “She is so petite and small, but she’s got the strength of a goddess. I’ll miss her smile. I’ll miss our conversations.”

After mentioning Angel, Nini, Maria, JMK, Angel and Boma, he eventually said that he’d “miss a lot of people,” which spared us having to have him go through the entire list of Housemates. In the end, it didn’t save all that much time, because Cross couldn’t stop naming every last thing he would miss if he had to leave – which is everything.

When he finally finished, it marked the end of the Day 36’s Diary Sessions. Now there’s nothing more to do but wait for tonight’s Live Eviction Show and see which of them will be going home and who will survive for at least another week. We can’t wait!