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FAQs: AMVCA 11th edition

23 March 2025
Find answers to your AMVCA 11 questions here.

Core Messages 

  • The Africa Magic Viewers’ Choice Awards (AMVCA) is MutliChoice’s initiative to celebrate and appreciate African talent by recognizing and rewarding exceptional achievements in the film and television industry across the African continent. 
  • This year’s AMVCAs will be a showcase of the growth and potential of the African film and television industry, with a focus on celebrating and promoting African stories and talent on a global stage. 
  • The AMVCAs is known for its red carpet moments and the 11th edition promises to be no different. From stylish outfits to stunning hairstyles, the event is set to showcase the very best in African fashion and beauty. 
  • The call for entries for the AMVCAs 11th edition is open from 1st January 2024 to 31st December 2024, providing an exciting opportunity for African filmmakers to submit their work for consideration. 
  • The AMVCAs is not just about celebrating established talent, but also about recognizing emerging talent. The awards provides a platform for up-and-coming talent to showcase their work and gain recognition for their contribution to the industry. 

Frequently Asked Questions: 

- How many categories are there for the 11th AMVCAs? 

There is a total of 27 categories, with 9 categories open to public voting, 18 categories decided by the AMVCA panel of judges and 2 recognition awards for – Lifetime Achievement and Trailblazer Awards. 

- What new elements can the audience expect from the 11th edition of the AMVCAs? 

This year the AMVCAs will recognize Best Sound and Sound Design and Best Original Score and Music as standalone categories. These additions highlight the importance of sound in storytelling, celebrating the work of talented sound designers and composers who create immersive cinematic experiences. 

- Why were these new categories added? 

As African cinema continues to grow in technical excellence, we recognize the need to honour the behind-the-scenes professionals who elevate production quality. Sound design and original scores play a crucial role in setting the tone, mood, and overall impact of films and TV shows, making them deserving of dedicated recognition. 

- How can participants enter the AMVCAs? 

  1. Only fully executed online submissions with full preview copy uploaded will be accepted. 
  2. Unique reference numbers will be allocated to each completed online submissions. All further correspondence will require the corresponding reference number to be inserted. 
  3. For submission requirements, digital file delivery process and details please log onto www.africamagic.tv/AMVCA 
  4. All films, made-for-television movies or television series are eligible for entry to the AMVCA if they had been produced and broadcast or publicly exhibited during the period 1 January 2024 – 31st December 2024 
  5. All entries must be submitted for judging exactly as presented during public exhibition or broadcast. No modifications may be made for purposes of the awards. 
  6. For online submission support, please consult the website: www.africamagic.tv/AMVCA 

- Will my old unique reference number work? 

No. If you submitted your work at www.africamagic.tv/AMVCA last year, you will be required to start the process again and be provided a fresh unique reference number. 

- Can an entry be disqualified? 

Yes, an entry can be disqualified if it does follow the stated guidelines. 

- Can a participant send in multiple entries? 

Yes, a participant can send in as many entries as possible so long as it falls under the stipulated timeframe. 

- Can participants enter with a hard drive? 

This year, there is no need for hard drive submission. All submissions shall be through the AMVCA portal at www.africamagic.tv/AMVCA , if you experience any difficulty, please contact: 

  • Attention: AMVCA@ng.multichoice.com 
  • Ref #: (Please quote your unique reference number) 

- Will there be any changes to the voting process? 

The voting process remains the same, with a mix of public voting for fan-favourite categories and jury selections for technical awards. 

- How do I register and vote on the 11th edition of the AMVCAs? 

You can vote for your favorite nominee on Mobile and Web only. AMVCA voting goes LIVE immediately after nominee announcement that airs LIVE on all Africa Magic channels on Sunday March 23rd, 2025. Voting will be open to registered voters only. Voters must have completed their registration to be eligible to vote for their favourite nominee(s) in the various categories. Here's a rundown on how to register and vote on mobile and web. 

Registering on the AMVCA website: 

You can register to vote on the Africa Magic website– africamagic.tv/amvca 

  • Click on the Vote menu item. 
  • Click on Register and enter your name, surname, cell phone number in the international format e.g. +27731234567, email address, select your location, enter your year of birth, gender and your preferred password, and select the checkbox to accept the Multichoice terms and conditions, then click “continue”. 
  • You will receive an OTP (One Time Pin) via SMS. 
  • Enter your OTP 
  • Once registered, you will be able to vote after the nomination show 
  • Website votes are FREE
  • Data costs apply. 

Voting on the AMVCA website if you’re a registered voter: 

You may vote for your favourite nominee(s) via the Africa Magic website– africamagic.tv/amvca 

  • Click on the Vote menu item. 
  • Click on Sign in and enter your cell phone number in the international format e.g. +27731234567. 
  • Enter your chosen password 
  • Select your favourite nominee(s) in the various categories. 
  • Enter your number of votes and cast your vote by clicking VOTE. 
  • Votes on the website are limited to 100 votes per user. 
  • Website votes are free. 
  • Data costs apply. 

Registering on the AMVCA mobile site: 

You can register to vote on the Africa Magic website – africamagic.tv/amvca 

  • Click on the Vote menu item. 
  • Click on Register and enter your name, surname, cell phone number in the international format e.g. +27731234567, email address, select your location, enter your year of birth, gender and your preferred password, and select the checkbox to accept the Multichoice terms and conditions, then click “continue” 
  • You will receive an OTP (One Time Pin) via SMS. 
  • Enter your OTP 
  • Once registered, you will be able to vote after the nomination show 
  • Website votes are free. 
  • Data costs apply. 

Voting on the AMVCA mobisite if you’re a registered voter: 

You may vote for your favourite nominee(s) via the Africa Magic website– africamagic.tv/amvca 

  • Click on the Vote menu item. 
  • Click on Sign in and enter your cell phone number in the international format e.g. +27731234567. 
  • Enter your chosen password 
  • Select your favourite nominee(s) in the various categories. 
  • Enter your number of votes and cast your vote by clicking VOTE. 
  • Votes on the mobisite are limited to 100 votes per user. 
  • Website votes are free. 
  • Data costs apply. 

- How will winners be determined in categories that are not up for public voting e.g. Best Overall Movie (Africa)? 

They will be determined by the AMVCA panel of judges with the judging process monitored and verified by an independent auditor. 


- Where and when will the 11th AMVCAs hold? 

The 11th AMVCAs will hold in Lagos, Nigeria in May, 2025. More information will be shared in due course. 


- Who will be the presenters for the 11th edition of the AMVCAs? 

Presenters for the 11th AMVCAs are yet to be announced. Please follow all Africa Magic social media handles to find out who will be this edition’s presenters. 


- What else can audiences expect from the 11th AMVCAs? 

This edition promises an elevated entertainment experience with: 

  • A spectacular awards ceremony with unforgettable performances 
  • Deeper fan engagement through interactive digital platforms 
  • Red carpet moments celebrating African fashion and creativity 

The 11th AMVCAs will be a grand celebration of African excellence in film and television—bigger, better, and bolder than ever! Stay tuned for more updates. 

- Where can we find out more information about the AMVCAs, including the guidelines? 

You can find out more about the AMVCAs by visiting www.africamagic.tv/amvca and following Africa Magic on Facebook and Instagram.