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Oblivion Avenue – Brethren

27 January 2020
They say apples don't fall far from the tree, buy Cynthia might just be an exception.
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Beneath her high-strung and domineering nature (topped with a hard and aloof exterior) lies a sweetness that very few have had the pleasure of experiencing. This is an unfortunate byproduct of years of navigating through testosterone-heavy spaces in the legal profession. Cynthia is lethally competitive and wears an equally lethal crown of entitlement. Her intolerance for 'skimpy' behaviour was finetuned and put on blast when Bara pulled her over for God knows what... A little glimpse of her while the underfed Lagos birds chirped away perhaps?! 

On the flip side of this very ‘mint’ coin, Cynthia sometimes experiences overwhelming feelings of indifference towards her father, this because he had her mother out on the streets way before she and Faith could tie their hair In perfect ponytails. Judging by her sometimes ‘snobbish’ demeanour, however, it's obvious that CSP Ogar withheld the leash and pampered them dirty. This in no way takes away from the fact that she's grateful for all his input and immeasurable efforts at making their domestic atmosphere as 'normal' as possible. 

Sentimentally, she is extremely loyal and expects reciprocation in perfect proportions. This, unfortunately, magnifies her oblivion because, in all honesty, perfect reciprocation exists only in fiction. Her relationship patterns are questionable but no too far from ‘normal avenue’.

Cover: Misi's IG

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