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This one na big bang finale, sha! ­– Enakhe

27 September 2021
Here are the five events that made the Enakhe finale that much hotter than we all expected.

So much of Enakhe’s reign as Benin’s ultimate head of crime was based on a kind of luck that even Epa would question if he were brought out of the grave and given a few minutes to watch his children survive. Assin eh, not only did the babe inherit a throne she knew very little about, but she also survived a bombing, being pursued by the Akugbes and more than a few gun wars. If anything, the final week reminded us just how lucky the Iwinosa clan remains.

Here are five things that made the last dance so rhythmically appealing, we danced while the curtains drew back together.     

Enakhe faked her own death

The Iye knew exactly what was at stake. The AIG was on to her tail and Mr Emeka’s death was the exact reason why, amongst other things of course. So, she, Toothpick and Onanefe came up with a plan. Enakhe would play dead, and they’d make sure that both her enemies and friends believed the story, and this is exactly what was happened. The Iwinosas and their sympathizers mourned her death, and her enemies celebrated. Prematurely so, if you ask us! 

Toothpick revealed his agent status

Remember what we said about love changing a man? Well, Toothpick joins the likes of Adelomo in attesting to this truth. After learning of Onome’s disappearance, Toothpick threw confidentiality out the window and warned Enakhe of AIG’s plan to erase what was left of her generation and in so doing, revealed that he knew of their prior arrangement because he was in fact a member of the investigating unit. Though completely thrown off (remember what we said about luck?) by this, Enakhe and Toothpick retained their relationship. Sharp guy!

Ivie handed over the omen

Enakhe unexpectedly showed up to Ivie’s hiding hub and offered a friendly warning. Much was to change in the city and baby girl would do well not to form any alliances with crazy Archie. No further instructions were given but on her own accord, Ivie decided to cleanse herself of the ills that came with the carving and passed it on to Archie. In just a blink, Archie was received as a sacrifice and he and his support went up in smoke. Literally. Shock o!

Cali was shot dead, then brought back to life

After drinking his sorrows away while thinking he’d lost Enakhe for good, Cali found out that his sister was very much alive and had been holding a meeting with the members of the table. Upon his arrival, we threw a few fury punches at his sister, but the duel was interrupted by deadly shots launched courtesy of AIG. Shots that claimed Cali’s life on the spot.

After the Iwinosas held a memorial service in Cali’s honour, the man walked into the room and gave everyone the look that only he was gifted with. Regina had collected Cali’s body from the shooting scene and used her powers to reverse the death. Cali crossed over and was yanked back to help his sister handle the ropes.

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Enakhe escaped a deadly explosion and remained unharmed

While Enakhe stood up high with everyone waiting for her to cut the ribbon and inaugurate their newest building project, she and Onanefe realized that a bomb had been planted in close range and would go off in less time than it took to blink, and while trying to make sense of their predicament, Regina worked her magic and transported Enakhe away from the scene and the explosion went off without the Iye as a casualty. In your face!

What an epic storyline and even better performances by the cast and crew. Kudos o!

This writeup did very little justice to the events that led to this epic finale, and we suggest you Catch Up with the latest episodes of Enakhe on the DStv App HERE to see it all unfold.